Enjoy Life as You enjoy Nature, Let it Flow as it is ..

When calmness is the answer to everything .. Whether silence will keep you away from everything? Even when you decide to be alone, you aren't really alone. Your heart and mind keep talking even though you are in quiet place. A calm and peace you will not get if you don't stop what's in your mind. They keep wander to find their branches and roots. Do you think you will get an answer or can solve something when your mind and heart are chaotic? You can't get any answer from. Be careful with your mind because your mouth is your tiger. What you think is good, it isn't necessarily good. Maybe one day it will endanger you. So, enjoy life as you enjoy nature. You don't need think/decide too fast or too slow, let it flow as it is. Vee Aozoraa (VA) #philosophyoflife #literature #reflection #aboutcalmness #keepaway #quiet #thinkcritically #adviceforself