Cross The Bridge of Life ..

I try to mix between poetry & philosophy again. Today's theme is abstract. You can also read theme and groove almost similar with this on my primary web. Both of those stories almost one entity difficult to separate. So, happy reading happy monday guys😊🌻☕

Bagaimana kamu bisa melangkah
Jika kamu merasa takut
Bagaimana kamu bisa menyeberangi jembatan
Jika bayang-bayang masa lalu masih menghantui

Kita tak pernah tahu akan teriris bawang
Jika kita tak mengiris bawang
Kita tak pernah tahu itu pahit, asam, manis
Jika tak pernah tahu bumbu-bumbu kehidupan

Sebenarnya kamu takut dengan bayangan kamu sendiri
Mundur sebelum perang
Sebelum maju, sudah mundur duluan
Kita tak pernah tahu
Jalan itu mudah, sulit
Jika kita tak pernah mencobanya

Sejauh mana kamu melangkah, pengalaman dan waktulah yang akan mendewasakan pemikiran dan langkahmu. I ever read about "To be a writer don't ever be afraid of being wrong." If you afraid (with your writings or what you writing) how can you move forward? Live only once, we never been a winner if we cannot defeat our own fears. The sky will not turn bright, if we don't try to erase the dark clouds surround it. Keep try while you can. To get what we want we have to try, try and pray. Don't ever stop to try, hope and try. Trust yourself, be confident, yes you can! Never underestimate your dreams and abilities you have.😉👊 We never know what will happen if you afraid and never try to cross the Bridge of Life. Someone will not really mature if never crossed it ..

By Vee Aozoraa
#philosophyoflife #literature #abstract #MondayMotivation #spirit #musings #IndonesianEnglish


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