The Beautiful Swan, It isn't appear on the Surface ..

You don't need to change to be a white swan to look beautiful. Maybe the lake is murky, but something is sparkling .. they will not appear on the surface💎 They will be at the bottom of lake. So easy to say/push anyone to change, but an intention comes from within. The swan's wings look elegant, but something is fancy it just make you tired. If you want, change because you want it. It isn't just because of someone else even to make them happy or just to be accepted. Change because you learned to be a better person.
Don't look how much the winds come and go, but look how our response to keep grateful after anything happened. Paddy is green indeed, but how do we give thanks when the paddy rice turn yellow. Keep looking down, in order to we can keep grateful in simplicity😌🌾
One of similar on my primary web, thx☺🌿 
#philosophyoflife #literature #poem #abstract #beautifulswan #keepgrateful #simplicity 


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